

At the start of the academic year, organization of a day for new entrants (students, post-docs, technical staff, engineers and researchers). During this day, the highlights and the projects in progress, each of the new entrants are presented to all INFINITE staff. Outside scientists present an invited conference.


At the end of the academic year, organization of a day for all INFINITE staff (students, post-docs, technical staff, engineers and researchers).
During this meeting, Master 2 students present their master project.
Speakers from outside the laboratory are invited to present a seminar.

Scientific Café

INFINITE’s Scientific Cafés punctuate the scientific activities of the laboratory. This weekly scientific meeting that takes place every Thursday morning from 9:00 am to 10:00 am (except during holidays) is open to unit members only. Researchers and students are invited to present their research, whether they initiated a project, finished a project that was just accepted for publication, want to present a research milestone or need to clarify some perspectives. The objective of these meetings is to promote scientific communication and cooperation between the teams.

Journal Club

A Journal Club is organized on a monthly basis, on a Tuesday from 12:30pm to 1:30pm.

Student Day in English

A meeting dedicated to students is organized once a year, during which Masters 2 and PhD students can present their work in English. PhD students are invited to write an abstract in English beforehand following specific instructions. A book of these abstracts is distributed within the unit


Technological Mornings

In order to keep a technology watch of the areas relevant to INFINITE activities, to learn about or catch up on technical basics, INFINITE invites a technological equipment supplier to present its most recent advances and to discuss and answer questions about the unit-specific challenges.